I made a silly logo

Pretty much every time I play a game over on Twitch, within 20 minutes someone new always joins the chat and 90% of the time it’s a bot/scammer. You can tell immediately if they’re going to be one because they have a name like girlsname_4040401 and start asking you about your favourite things. Then they start telling you that they are a designer and do lots of logo work for streamers and ask if you want to see their portfolio on Discord.

Now, I might be old but I’m not stupid, I know better than to be clicking random discord links from strangers! However, I’ve managed to get a few of them to DM me on X and every time I see their “work” it’s just copy and paste junk from a tool like Canva or Placeit. So, I politely decline and thank them for wasting my time, informing them that should I require, I can make my own logos in Microsoft Paint myself, thank you very much 😂.

One night after a particularly heavy bombardment of canned pork meat I decided to add a to-do item to my “random shit to do for the website on a rainy day” list, and sit down to see how hard it is to make your own logo. Using nothing but a beginners knowledge of Affinity Designer 2, this evening I put my skills to the test and after ~90 minutes I came up with this…

Pursuit of Loot logo in a kawaii style

…not too shabby I think. The font is ユールカ UB, it’s got a cute vibe to it and I’d seen people mention it on X before. The smiley face and diamond emoji-like symbols I got from SVG Repo, and the rest is just shapes drawn with the pen tool, with shadows, outlines and gradients applied.

Affinity Designer 2 is a really nice tool to use and extremely cheap. A long time ago I bought the whole suite of Affinity products and would totally recommend them, they are a lot more budget friendly than Adobe’s equivalents (especially now they all have a 6 month trial).

Maybe at some point in the future I’ll use the logo or make some variants, but for now at least it’s here on this blog post. I hope you enjoyed looking at it, and if I inspired you to make your own please let me know how it turned out. Until next time, tata and farewell 👋.

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