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Welcome to my website!

Hello there, thanks for finding my small corner of the Internet. This a place full of stuff and things that I'm interested in (and maybe you are too). Video games, action figures, trading cards and most importantly... cats.

My cat collection

While you're here, why not check out the latest blog posts? If you want to find out more about me, you can check out the about page. But if you just want to reach out and let me what's occuring, you can go to the contact page.

If all else fails, just holler at me on X.

This is approximately the 12th iteration of my website. Every time a new blogging platform comes out, I always end up rebuilding everything from scratch, so that's why there's not a super amount of posts. This time I'm using Astro, it's interesting.

So if you come across any errors, bugs or weird looking things, that's probably not intentional, it may be a work in progress or just a genuine oversight đŸ€­. You can always reach out and let me know (see contact link above) and I'll do my best to resolve it.

Once again, thanks for visiting and have a blessed day. Oh, and please follow me on Twitch. I need more followers to push me into affiliate status. Tata, and farewell!

Pursuit of Loot selfie and logo
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