Here's a list of features I want to build here. I'll populate this list as ideas come to me, and cross things off when they're done (good luck with that).
- A warning on the homepage that this site is under construction
- A roadmap page
- A navigation component
- A blog post
- A page with a list of blog posts
- An RSS feed for the blog posts
- RSS feed to include full/partial post content
- A sitemap page
- Reusable layout for the pages
- A stylesheet
- A shared footer component
- Light/Dark mode css and toggle
- Breadcrumbs
- Opengraph/twitter cards for all pages, not just blog
- A Humans page
- A meta tag / seo component
- Webmentions
- Astro view transitions
- MDX blog post files (so I can use components in markdown)
- A nice logo for the top of the page
- Better styling for the navigation component (it looks too similar to the breadcrumbs)
- More imported old posts from my previous blogs
- Adding tags to my blog posts
- Make a tag cloud component
- Make a "Back to top" button
- Nice styling for blockquotes
Make categories/
tagspages, and/or a blog post archive page (so I can do something nice for the newest/featured posts) - Sharing links for blog posts
- Custom shiki themes for light and dark mode
- A page with all my favourite gifs on
- A "table of contents" component for long blog posts
- Skip links
- Import aliases for component/layout/image folders
- Credit/attribution page for when I've used/transformed someone elses work
- Separate layout files, rather than conditional logic
- Next/Previous post links under each blog item.
- Category links in sidebar
- Related post links in sidebar